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Logistics and gender diversity – how you can help close the gender gap

Logistics and gender diversity – how you can help close the gender gap

For years, the logistics industry has been largely male dominated. A 2021 study from British Trucking found that out of 315,000 registered truck drivers in the UK, just 2,200 identify as female. That’s less than 1%!

H&G Recruitment was established 20 years ago as a female orientated business looking to help increase diversity in the industry. As one of the go-to recruitment specialists for HGV driving and logistics, we’ve learned a lot about the needs of workers of all kinds in the industry.

Wondering how you can increase diversity in your workplace? Read on to find out.


Rethink your recruitment and promotion processes

One of the main reasons women don’t feel comfortable or welcome in the logistics industry is that they aren’t comfortable with the recruitment process. Perhaps the language in your job adverts is typically male-orientated, your HR teams aren’t expecting female applicants, or opportunities for career development are not promoted equally.

This is where an audit can be conducted on your career progression practices, covering all stages of recruitment and internal promotion. If possible, this audit should be conducted externally to avoid bias, especially as it can be difficult to spot or admit limitations in your own processes.

Consider the barriers to entry your business may have. Perhaps you use outdated and gendered language in your job adverts, such as “workman” or using he/him pronouns in reference to the candidate.

Do you have a balanced board of directors or recruiters to make applicants of any background or personality feel included and represented? Do you have an explicit commitment to diversity labelled on your website and application? Are you actively encouraging women to apply for positions of responsibility or promotions?

If the answer is no to any of the above, then you could be doing more for inclusivity in your workplace. It needs to be made clear that no logistics jobs at your workplace are closed to women, and that gender diversity is an asset to any business to help bring new viewpoints or ideas.


Understand the necessity for a health work life balance

One of the most common barriers of entry for women in the workplace is unforgiving, inflexible work hours or shifts that act as a barrier to many home responsibilities. There are several reasons for this, most of which refer to a cultural dependence on traditional gender norms.

For example, it is still common for women to (unjustly) earn less than men in equal positions, so a married woman with children will likely reduce working hours to make way for parental duties. That way, the family will suffer less-severe financial consequences.

This means that many women will be unable to accept shift work or positions that will not allow them to return home every day. It may also bring in additional constraints around school holidays where it may be more difficult to organise childcare.

It’s also vital that your company can cater towards pregnancies, be it with reorganised hours, a shift in duties, and ultimately, generous parental leave. When a mother returns to work after their leave, it is also key to continue their career development as if they had never left.

It’s important to communicate with your employees and potential recruitment candidates to understand their requirements and restraints, and to work out solutions that will benefit both parties.


Improve workplace conditions and opportunities

When looking to create a gender-diverse workplace it is important to consider equal access to crucial facilities, such as bathrooms and changing rooms. It is essential that women have the necessary resources for personal and professional use immediately on-hand to effectively do their job.

Plus, for the safety of all workers, not just female workers, it is important that logistics companies employ the most modern technology to assist with physical and manual labour tasks to reduce physical strain. This can help to reduce the stereotype that logistics is a “man’s job” and requires body strength to work in.

In terms of opportunities for training and development, it could be beneficial to offer specific training sessions or webinars to women, already working for you or otherwise, to help develop their skills across logistics. You may look to get more women involved from an operational standpoint or provide information and advice to industry prospects looking to start their careers.

Lastly, a major point that should not be overlooked is the development of a professional culture that values equality through the training of managers and staff on the subject. Making sure that every employee is valued and treated accordingly is crucial in keeping everyone happy, healthy, and feeling welcome.


Contact H&G for advice on an inclusive workplace

H&G Recruitment are specialists when it comes to diversity in the workplace. We are dedicated to the attraction, retention, and support of an inclusive logistics industry, and provide opportunities for business owners and decision makers to promote diversity in their workplaces.

Looking to start your career in logistics or wanting to expand your business horizons? Get in touch today. Email for more information.


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