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Corporate Social Responsibility

Our people and our community are at the heart of everything that we do. Our corporate sustainability strategy sets out how we manage our business to support a sustainable future. Through our focus on ethical sourcing, we ensure safe and fair working practices. At HG we believe that a commitment to the principles of corporate social responsibility (CSR) not only makes good business sense but also complements our core business strategy and corporate values.

As proud Champions against Modern Slavery, we are committed to respecting human rights and to ensuring that there is no modern slavery or human trafficking in our supply chains or in any part of our business. We are dedicated to acting ethically and with integrity in our business relationships, in line with our core values. We are passionate about ensuring that we have an inclusive, diverse, committed and highly skilled community of talent.


Our Goals


From procurement to carbon,focusing on every area of our business to ensure sustainability


To enable investment into our people, innovation, and continuous improvement


Focus on our local communities to generate the benefits from a diverse and inclusive workforce

Our Charity Work

HG are proud to support a range of both local and national charitable organisations. Our local businesses are empowered to choose their own causes and charities, as they look to work closely with and to engage with their communities.

Sometimes we need to take time out of our hectic schedules and play a part in making a positive impact to the community on our doorstep. HG are passionate about giving back and have invested in several charities close to their heart. We have sponsored or actively work along-side the following charities.

Our Work in the Community

Community is at the heart of everything that we do at HG. Our corporate sustainability strategy sets out how we manage our business to support a sustainable future. Through our focus on ethical sourcing, we ensure safe and fair working practices.

Our Health & Wellbeing Strategy

At HG we are incredibly passionate about prioritising the mental health and wellbeing of the people around us, with support and initiatives including providing trained mental health first aiders, well-being courses, and effective HR processes.

Our Sustainable Strategy

HG recruitment is future fit as we embrace sustainability and are showing leadership in tackling climate change and getting ahead of the curve of carbon taxes. We work to meet our clients demands whilst boosting productivity and potentially cutting costs.
At HG recruitment our community and society is at the heart of what we do, champions against modern slavery our social values include justice, freedom, respect, community and responsibility this is reflected in both our Ethical trade policy and our carbon reduction plan.
Our Environmental and carbon reduction plan outlines our desire to reduce our impact on the environment for the benefit of future generations. It provides a framework for us to set objectives and monitor our progress the plan is ever evolving as we meet the ongoing challenges this issue presents us with.


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