Ethical Trade Policy
As a corporate member of society, we proactively ensure our company and its staff are committed to providing recruitment services and consultancy which is ethically driven. As well as applying standards to our own business we apply them to those with whom we trade and in deciding with whom to trade.
As a company we do not knowingly engage in business with companies that do not have a similar Ethical Trading policy to ourselves. We look towards our services being used by companies who also trade by the same high standards and policies that we embrace. H&G Recruitment Solutions are committed to creating and maintaining an ethical workplace whilst actively encouraging our employees to adopt and promote similar ethics.
Ethical Practice
- All employment is freely chosen
- All employees are entitled to belong to trade unions and collective bargaining is respected, to the extent permitted by local law
- Employees are free to leave employment after reasonable notice
- Working conditions are safe and hygienic
- Child labour is not used
- Wages are fair and comparable and exceed minimum wage
- Deductions from wages as a disciplinary measure shall not be permitted and all lawful deductions from wages our outlined in payslips for each pay period
- Working hours are required to be no more than 48 hours per week, a voluntary opt out agreement is available for those wishing to work in excess of 48 hours
- All employees are provided with two days’ rest days
- All employees are provided with written terms and conditions of employment that details the obligations of the employee and employer including rates of pay, working hours, grievance and disciplinary procedures, holiday entitlement, absence and sick pay rules and notice periods for termination of employment
- No discrimination is practiced
- No bribery, corruption, blackmail or bullying is permitted
- No prejudice is permitted within the workplace and diversity within the workforce is fully promoted
It is a requirement for all those with whom we do business to demonstrate that they have in place policies with respect to:
- Business Ethics generally
- Environmental compliance and best practice
- Equality, diversity, non-discrimination and prevention of harassment
- Health and Safety
All our suppliers and service providers are required to answer questionnaires on this subject on engagement and from time to time. They are required to show that they set similar criteria for their own suppliers and service providers. Thus the aim is to demonstrate commitment to good business ethics throughout the length of the supply/service chain.
This policy is reviewed annually as part of the Policies for Excellence by the board and Directors and all staff are invited to input.